Wednesday 13 July 2011

Misty Morning

so today its misty outside. so much so that it hides my view of the mountain completely. yes, the steenberg mountain range is a few km's away from me and i have a beautiful view of it including the road called ou kaapseweg (old cape road) that on a clear day and if i strain my eyes i can actually see the cars driving on the road!! supposed to be winter here in my side of planet world but the last few days have been summer. the seasons have become confusing not only for me ( i dont know what to wear) but more so for the animals and the trees. the birds are breeding and the trees who just went to sleep a few weeks ago are already waking up thinking that its spring. sign of the end of days as predicted? changes in the weather patterns, natural disasters, tall buildings etc we wait and see...

Sunday 10 July 2011

What to Write

so as a 1st time blogger and ranter and raver of note...and by rave, i mean of not the dancing type. lets see how this goes. random thoughts of mine for all (none?) to see! yeeehhaaaa