Tuesday 22 November 2011

The Power

So the other night i am feeding my tropical fish and normally all or most of them swim right up to the surface to eat when from the corner of my eye i spotted a pair of kribensis in the bottom corner of the tank. They did not come up to eat and on closer inspection i saw that they were gaurding a nest of eggs and some very very newly hatched fry.  The fry looked like swimming eggs.  2 or 3 fish were swimming around the nest trying to eat the fry but both parents where on watch and any fish swimming closer than a few centimetres to the nest were chased away. 

I watched in awe as the mom picked up stray fry with her mouth and put them back into the nest with the other eggs/fry. Amazing stuff. 

The last time I had kribensis and succesfully bred with them was way back in 1980!  This also reminded me of when I had a marine tank and the one specific coral, commonly known as a frogspawn would "flower'. This is a stony coral which resembles the fingers of your hand. On the tip of these fingers is a very very very thin skin which under the right conditions can flower (enough light, flow of water etc). The flower very much resembles the tentacles of an anemone. To describe this is very difficult and this coral and its beauty has to be seen to be believed. How can a piece of stone, flower...?? Believe me, it has life and it does!!

The lingering thought always when I look at nature and its wonders is: "look how God created this". Surely the power of The higher power is far more than we can imagine or can conceive.  God is great, Allahu Akbar :)

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